Home > Understanding Behaviors and Autism

* Understanding Behaviors and Autism

Challenging Behaviors in Children

  • Define challenging behavior
  • Examples of challenging behaviors
  • Understanding why children engage in challenging behavior.
  • Challenging behaviors and children with learning disabilities
  • Impacts of challenging behaviors
    1. Impacts on the child
    2. Impacts on the Family
    3. Impacts on the providers
  • Challenging behavior can also pose long-term effects
  • Identify strategies that will decrease challenging behavior and improve the quality of life for all children in controlled environments such as schools, daycares and public places.
  • The best approach toward understanding challenging behavior in children begins by identifying the potential reasons for challenging behavior.
  • Look for patterns in behaviors and contributing factors (environment/time of day/etc)
  • Managing challenging behaviors


Understanding Autism

  • Introduction: What is Autism
  • Definition
  • Causes
  • Characteristics
    1. Social Behavior
    2. Communication (language)
    3. Behavior
    4. Cognitive Attitudes
  • Treatment
  • Theories

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