Donating to FIN

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Supporting Families, Supporting Providers

Families in crisis need a great deal of support to heal. No single entity can do it alone. 

Family Impact Network (FIN) facilitates positive outcomes for children and families by building a robust network of providers that match their communities and by ensuring accountability through oversight. A nonprofit, mission-based organization, Family Impact Network partners with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families and service providers to serve as the Network Administrator in 20 counties in Eastern and Central Washington. Through this work, we connect vulnerable children and families to resources and services to address safety, prevention, permanency, stability, and overall well-being. 

The research is clear. Meeting children’s needs in their homes or while maintaining contact with family leads to dramatically better social and economic outcomes. As we strive to keep families together, time is of the essence. Our agile approach to connecting family with providers allows us to quickly connect families with providers. FIN’s Family Time network of service providers, for instance, currently accepts a referral within one day, on average. Your donation today will help us build a stronger network of providers to ensure families can be surrounded with care as they build stronger lives together. 

Our Work by the Numbers


Families connected with services in 2022


Counties Served in Eastern and Central Washington


Referral Requests Completed in 2022


Providers/Staff in Eastern and Central Washington

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