Provider & Partner Resources

Home > Provider & Partner Resources

Services by County

Find a list of all counties in the FIN network including; what services are available in those counties, languages offered and any important notes/info regarding services in that area.

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Provider Contact Information

Here you will find the contact information for providers within the FIN Network. These include all Family Time and In-Home Service Providers in Region 1 and Region 2.

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Request A Service

Is there a service you need for a family in your area, but it is not available? Let us know!

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Services and Criteria

A helpful guide to show each available In-Home Service including both Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) and non-Evidence Based Practices. The guide breaks down each service with information on age of child, location of service, standard length of service, appropriate referrals, service provisions, reporting requirements and more.

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Complaint Submission Form

The complaint submission form is available to social workers, foster parents and any other individual that engages with services from a contractor of Family Impact Network (FIN.) Please submit your input below.

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Sprout Information

Handouts and information for all things Sprout, including how to set up an account, submit referrals, access helpful videos, and more!

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