Home > Mary Smith Safety Training

Mary Smith Safety Training

In 2007, following the tragic murder of Marty Smith (a Designated Mental Health
Professional in Kitsap County), the Washington State Legislature passed into law
Substitute House Bill (SHB) 1456, an act relating to home visits by mental health
professionals. This law, which went into effect in July 2008, requires all
community mental health workers who have direct contact with mental
health consumers to undergo annual training on safety and violence
prevention (per RCW 49.19.030).*

SHB 1456 also directed the Washington State Department of Social and Health
Services (DSHS) to develop the training curriculum in collaboration with community
providers and employee organizations representing community mental health workers
in Washington State.

In 2009, the DSHS Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) and the
Washington Institute for Mental Health Research and Training (WIMHRT/UW) began
conducting training for licensed community mental health agency staff using this new
curriculum. The curriculum consists of a set of 8 compact disks (CD's) and is
disseminated to agencies via a "Train the Trainer" model.

Free Online Version Now Available
These training CD's, and accompanying materials, have now been adapted for online
training through Essential Learning.

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