This resource is part of the Family Time Training Module and is a required training for all staff who provide Family Time services under contract with the Family Impact Network. "Family Engagement: Partnering with Families to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes" is a resource provided by the Child Welfare Information Gateway. After reviewing the material, staff should proceed to the Comprehension Quiz. After successful completion of the quiz, Family Impact Network will issue a certificate of completion to the staff members agency. A score of 8 out of 11 is required to pass the quiz. The handout for this training is specific to Case/Social Workers. Not all of the information provided is pertinent to Family Time Providers. As a Family Time Provider, it is important that you stay within the scope of work for visitation. This quiz focuses on the information that can apply to Family Time Providers. For any questions about what is and is not within the scope of work for your position, please contact your supervisor.
* Click on bolded words to be redirected to the training/quiz link.
Link to Training Material: "Family Engagement: Partnering with Families to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes"
Quiz Link: Comprehension Quiz